This research was funded by the NL Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (NL SPOR)
→ Fern Brunger, PhD, Professor of Health Ethics, Centre for Bioethics, Memorial University
In collaboration with:
→ Eastern Health: Josee Dumas (Chair, Diversity Steering Committee), Mollie Butler (Regional Director, Professional Practice), Debbie Molloy ([former] VP, Eastern Health)
→ First Light (formerly St. John’s Native Friendship Centre): Chris Sheppard ([former] Exec. Dir.), Solomon Semigak and Katie Dicker (Aboriginal Patient Navigators), along with Emma Reelis (Elder)
→ MUN MED Gateway/Refugee Health Collaborative: Jill Allison (Global Health Coordinator, Gateway advisor), Christine Bassler and Francoise Guigné (MUN Family Medicine Clinic/MUN MED Gateway/Refugee Health Collaborative)
Research assistants, data collection and analysis:
→ Mohammed Syaket Shakil, MPH ([former] MSc student, senior research assistant [to 2020])
→ Rouba Isshak, MD ([former] Community Health and Humanities Diploma student, community embedded research assistant, refugee component)
→ Adriana Pack, BN ([former] nursing student, community embedded research assistant, Indigenous component)
Research assistants, dissemination:
→ Rachel Hewitt, MHE student, Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Community Health and Humanities and Clinical Epidemiology
→ Valerie Webber, PhD candidate, Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Community Health and Humanities and Clinical Epidemiology
Advisors (hands-on with recruitment and/or data analysis and/or recommendations):
→ Solomon Semigak, Aboriginal Patient Navigator, Eastern Health/First Light
→ Katie Dicker, Aboriginal Patient Navigator, Eastern Health/First Light
→ Emma Reelis, Elder, First Light
→ Adriana Pack, BN, [former] nursing student
→ Christine Bassler, Refugee Health Clinic, Family Practice Unit, MUN MED Gateway
→ Rouba Isshak, MD, [former] Diploma student, Faculty of Medicine, CHHCE, Memorial University
→ Raya Majeed, interpreter with Association for New Canadians and informal interpreter
→ Jennifer Bessell, Association for New Canadians settlement services
→ Susan Louise, informal community refugee advocate